I'm often approached by people who know about the research and practice I put into my metaphysical studies and ask me these questions that have left me speechless for some time.
“How do I communicate with my spirit guide?”
“How do I develop psychic ability?”
“How to I perform magic?”
How, how, how... You got it. The most common question I ever get is “how?” The tricky thing about that question is that metaphysical subjects don't follow a scientific process. There is no one way to do something, and in fact, everyone does things differently, so until very recently, I was never sure how to answer the ominous “how?”
Now I know.
It may not be as scientific as you had wished for if you have a logical mind, but if you're at all interested in metaphysical studies, logic will have to be set aside for the time being and intuition must be embraced. This is a study of emotions and the mind, and such things have no logical basis.
Do you remember your favorite game to play as a child? Were you like me and absolutely loved to play the game “pretend”? Whether you were a mighty warrior, an evil mastermind, a beautiful princess, or simply a mother playing house with your baby doll, chances are this was your favorite game.
Think back to those days. Relive the joy you felt as you became something new, something exciting, something you weren't yet, but hoped to be some day. You were good at playing that game, and it was fun.
Now I'm going to tell you to play The Pretend Game all over again. Yes, you still get an excuse to play it as an adult, and it's just as fun as it ever was. Playing “pretend” unlocks doors and opens new paths to worlds previously unknown. Don't believe me? Try it first before passing judgment.
Suppose you want to contact your spirit guide (I'll explain more about spirit guides in another article). How do you do it? Close your eyes, take a deep breath, and picture in your mind a being of radiant beauty and love standing beside you. What do they look like? Are they male or female, or are they even in human form? Mentally ask them for their name, and simply “pretend” to get a response back. Sounds simple enough, doesn't it?
Continue in your pretend game, asking them any questions you want, and pretending to hear their responses. It doesn't matter what you ask, so long as it interests you.
After you practice this for some weeks or months, you may gradually notice a change come over the whole “pretend” game you've been playing, and the responses from your “imaginary” spirit guide start feeling different from your own thoughts. Even stranger, they may start telling you things you couldn't possibly have known, which you can confirm with actual facts.
So were you really making them up? No. This was your spirit guide you were picturing all along. Our connection to the spiritual realm and the subconscious mind is through the right side of the brain. Our source of creativity and imagination is also through the right side of the brain. See the connection here? It should be a no-brainer. Sorry, bad pun. :P
The spiritual realm reaches us through our imaginations if we will but open up. Don't be afraid that you are “making stuff up”. Everything we think is valid, and everything we think has meaning. Some of our thoughts might be cloaked in symbols and not meant to be taken literally, but they are still worthwhile. There is no such thing as a stupid thought. If it goes on inside your head, it has some meaningful purpose.
Experiment around with your own mind, and get back in touch with your thoughts and imagination. This is the first step on the road to communication with spirit guides, developing psychic ability, and experiencing magic. Do this, and you will be well on your way to whatever it is you are wanting out of the spiritual realm.
:3 i am waiting for more XDXD~
ReplyDeletewe can have more than 1 spirtual guide right?
(currently have problem entering meditation state.... though and thinking keep leaking in T_T)
DA, commenting. RainAlchemist?